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To have a dog breeding experience is not easy. If you only have a dog for company, not for business purposes without using any sterilization method. When they reach breeding time, you want to have a healthy generation of puppies.

Moreover, this is your dog’s first breeding. You are extremely confused because you don’t know how to do it. This article is definitely useful for you, let’s follow Petsate.

General rules for dog breeding age

These breeding experience rules are made to ensure the health of the parent dog and ensure that puppies are born healthy. In Vietnam, many places dogs have already given birth after 6 months (especially our dogs). This is very harmful to dogs, including parents and children. At this age, dogs are too young, the reproductive system is still incomplete. Children may be born sick, have deformities, or die prematurely.

The general rule for classification is to consider the size of each type of dog. Group 1 includes small breeds of puppies, gradually increasing to group 4 as giant breeds. The smaller the dog, the earlier it can give birth.

Minimum age to breed dogs

The age according to this breeding experience adopted by the Federation of Dog Breeding Associations of the Russian Federation took effect from September 1996.

15-month female dogs, 12-month male dogs for the following types of dogs

Toy Terrier, Pekingese, Toy Poodle, Brussels Griffon, Japanese Spaniel (Chin), Chihuahua, Pavillion, Yokshire Terrier, Russian Silky Toy Terrier, Spitz mini, Petite Brabancon, Dwarf Poodle, Schnauzer, Pinsher mini (Hoc), Hard-haired Fox terrier, Welsh Terrier, Missed Daschund, small and mini, Lhasa Apso, Shih-Tzu, Tibetan Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Sky Terrier, Mexican and Peruvian Shaggy Dog, Whippet, King Charles Spaniel, Jack Terrier, French Bull Dog..

Bitch 18 months, male dog 15 months for

Collie, Commondor, Bull Dog Anh, Dog Evil Hen ti na, Perro de presa Maiorkin, Missed Schnauzer, Sharpei, Stafforshire Terrier USA, Bedlington Terrier, Bullterrier, Irland Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier Scốtlen Terrier, Stafforshire Bullterrier, Wolf Spitz, Small German Spitz, Russian Laica, Samoyed, Chow-chow, Husky, Basset hound, Beagle, Bloodhound, Weimaran, Dalmatian, RRD, British Setter, Setter Irland, Scottish, British Pointer, American Cocker-Spaniel, British Cocker-Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Springer Spaniel, Large Poodle, Small, Apganistan Hound, Greyhound, Cane Corso.

Female dog 20 months, male dog 18 months for

German Shepherd, Southern Russian Shepherd, Bern Mountain Dog, Doberman, German Boxer, Giant Schnauzer, Rotweiler, Akita Inu, Irish Wolf Hound, Russian Wolf Hound.

22-month female dog, 20-month male dog for

Sant Berna, Dog Peel, Bull Mastiff, Becgie Kavkaz, Leon Berger, Mastiff, Mastiff Napoletan, Moscow Guard Dog, German Dog, Newfoundland, Russian Black Terrier, Central Asian Becgie, Tosa Inu, Fila Brasilero.

Breeding age in Vietnam

In Vietnam, there are 4 dog breeds being raised and crossed together to create many hybrids. They come in different stature and coat color. Male dog breeding experience is about 12-15 months old.

  1. Yellow dog breed: Medium in stature, 50-55 cm high, weight 12-15 kg. They are raised to hunt animals and keep houses. Bitches breed at the age of 12-14 months, each litter has an average of 5 cubs.
  2. Bac Ha dog breed: Living in high mountains, larger in stature than the Golden dog. Height 55-60 cm, weight 18-20kg, used for housekeeping and animal hunting. Bitches give birth to an average of 6 cubs per litter.
  3. Lao dog breed: Living in the midlands and mountainous areas, the fur is hung with 2 white streaks on the eyelids, with a larger stature. They are 60-65 cm tall and weigh 18-25 kg. Each litter of bitches gives birth to about 6 cubs.
  4. Phu Quoc dog breed: Gray-brown, slim belly. In particular, on the back of the hair grows with a twisted shape, gray-yellow feathers with light lines running along the body. Bitches give birth to an average of 5 cubs per litter.

Thus, based on the age of dog breeding, we can give the most optimal breeding method for our dog. Ensure the best health of dogs during the breeding period.

The right time to breed dogs

Each type of dog breed has different breeding ages. For dogs with normal development, the first period usually takes place from the 7th month onwards. However, it is not recommended to give pregnant dogs at this first period. Because like this time, dogs have not developed comprehensively. Therefore, the best time to breed dog experience is when an adult dog is over 1 year old.

The time to breed a dog is the time when the most attention is needed in the entire dog rearing process. Choosing a pair of male and female dogs for intercourse will determine the success or failure of puppies.

If you choose the wrong one, which is not commensurate, all efforts will be useless. Not every pair of dogs combined with each other produces good results. Normally, the breeding season can last 3 weeks. But this also varies depending on the type of dog.

The risk factor should not be taken lightly either. The timing of breeding may seem ideal, but in fact it gives unwanted results. The product is sick dogs of the wrong type. However, it is also impossible to leave it to luck. A careful selection will bring good results in the long run. Rarely is a dog truly ideal born without careful selection.

Gene selection for dog breeding

Each dog’s appearance is regulated by genes reproduced by cells. Combine 1 gene of father dog and gene of mother dog. There are thousands of pairs of these genes that make up the life of every puppy. Both their parents also received these genes from domestic and foreign dogs.

Therefore, according to the experience of dog breeding, people are often interested in their genealogy. The gene that regulates whether the dog is male or female. There are 3 basic gene combinations between dominant and recessive genes.

  • 1 recessive gene from a male combined with 1 recessive gene from a female.
  • 1 dominant gene from males and 1 recessive gene from females.
  • 1 recessive gene from one combined with 1 dominant gene in the other.

Good genetic analysis of the parent dog will help them produce the desired purebred offspring. For example, if you breed a white female Pooddle. You should choose to mix with gray boys, gray cows, or white to achieve beautiful and standard coat pigments.The red-brown female Poodle should be combined with the sepia boy for a quality product. The gene red-brown color is quite dominant, so if you combine the same color, the cubs will have the most beautiful coat color.

Method of how to breed dogs

There are 3 dog breeding experiences applied by specialized dog breeders.

  1. Out-crossing: Mating with the same breed
  2. Line-breeding: Friendly mating (with close relatives)
  3. In-breeding: Mating with the family line.

Mating of the same breed is for 2 males and females to mate with no blood connection between them. This method is often popular with novice dog owners. They think that when two dogs with biological relationships mate, they will give birth to sick, poor-status and degenerative puppies.

Relative mating is mating between two children with a close relative relationship – father dog and mother dog to child, brother and sister, or half-brother. And mating with the family line is for mating 2 related but less familiar animals. It can be 2 brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, uncles and nephews, grandmothers, or aunts and grandchildren. Mating with the same breed is rarely used. Done this method is still used by experienced dog owners. They want to give their dog breed some advantage that they don’t have yet, but another dog has.

Friendly mating often does not involve luck. It usually produces some ideal puppies if mated properly.

Breeding Out-crossing dogs

It is a different breed of blood breeds that produce new hybrid dogs. It is considered a dog breeding experience to find good traits during breeding. This method is often used to correct some dog physical defects. This is the most common breeding method of the vast majority of dog owners.

Because mating between non-bloods can bring many new characteristics. Or can recreate the lost properties brought about by recessive genes. The father and mother dog have an equal role to play in determining puppy characteristics. Puppies inherited 1 gene from the father dog and 1 gene from the mother dog. The dominant gene determines the puppy’s traits. It helps the animal to have higher immunity, have stronger vitality.

Dogs bred from this method still ensure purity. However, the degree of genetic differences is very large. Gene uniformity will not be high. This makes it difficult for dog breeders to judge the characteristics of puppies.

With this breeding experience, unwanted traits can appear at the same time. Sometimes, when breeding with the desire to overcome some disadvantages, but in fact the disadvantages can also be overcome. But sometimes not only not overcome but also make many new disadvantages appear.

Line-breeding dog breeding

It is the breeding of dogs of the same breed, with close bloodline. They have outstanding physical and temperamental features, are less likely to pass on disease to future generations but still carry some errors.

An example of Line-breeding is to mix children with the same grandparents. Or mix children and grandchildren with their grandparents. When Line-breeding, it is necessary to carefully consider and predict the desired and undesirable characteristics that may occur.

The Line-breeding method helps select good genes from dogs that are related to each other. This breeding experience contributes to the creation of pure genes while retaining the diversification of genes for a relatively long period of time. This helps puppies create healthier, more resistant to diseases. However, this method only helps to slow down, not prevent a decrease in genetic diversity. If you continue Line-breed many times, to some extent, the diversity of the gene pool will decrease.

Breeding In-breeding dogs

Is the breeding of close-upbreeding inbreed dogs such as father, mother and child, sister and sister… In-breeding needs to be done by experienced breeders with clear goals. For example, to protect a precious genetic source or correct some errors of a breed dog line.

This breeding experience helps create dogs with characteristics closest to the characteristics of the species. Breeders often pair dogs of the same bloodline and share some desirable traits. Keep going like that, sometimes just after a generation or two. ‘These traits become ”dominant”.’ And all puppies born from the In-breeding method will inherit the pure gene for those traits.

With this method, it is possible to create breed dogs with a high level of purebred. With the pure gene, dog breeders will be able to somewhat predict what traits puppies born later will have.

However, In-breeding experience has some disadvantages that need to be paid attention to. If In-breeding is too many times, the genetic diversity will be impaired. Due to In-breed, the animal is created that inherits a similar pair of genes from its parents in the immune system. Accordingly, it has a less powerful immune system. Dogs with the ‘co-diving’ gene will be very weak and, according to the law of elimination, will die.

Some things to keep in mind before breeding dogs

In-breed, Line-breed and Out-crossing experiences have long been practiced by foreign dog breeders. However, in Vietnamese conditions, there is little access to Western techniques, so it is still very hesitant to apply the above breeding methods.

In the wild, when animals live in packs with populations with a certain number of individuals. Out-crossing with other pack animals is very low. The breeding role is played mainly by the leading male. The leading male can mate with all other females in the pack. You are weak because one way or another will die. Only truly healthy offspring can survive and continue to breed. It is a very strict selection of nature.

Therefore, In-breed is not something lousy that needs to be condemned. It is the solution to save a breed from extinction. At the same time, it is also an experience in breeding dogs to create new breeds.

Rules for breeding dogs to have beautiful cubs

Dog breeding is often seen by people as very simply: mixing a male dog with a female dog… And 2 months later we will have a pack of kittens and dogs. Sounds like a simple thing, doesn’t it? Yes, it’s very simple if you’re also simply ‘breeding’. The type to sell puppies and kittens without thinking about what they will grow up looking like. And what is the temperament, good health… However, if you breed dogs and cats to go to the show. And look forward to improving the quality of your hatchery. Then things are not that simple.

Understand the breed standard (standard)

A lot of you are looking for a dog to breed without really knowing what you want from that dog. Or can’t see the characteristics they want. Or is there anything special about the dog they own. ‘So can they succeed when they don’t know what a beautiful dog and cat is and still want to ”breed”?’

So, the most important first thing before you start becoming a breeder is: you must have dog breeding experience, carefully understand the breed standards you pursue. Because this is what you will aim for in the process of creating your dream dog and cat. If you don’t know what a beautiful dog is, how can you create it with a breeding program? So how to know what a beautiful dog is? Read a lot and don’t listen to demagoguery.

In the process of reading the standard version, pay attention to the basic structural descriptions. Because the standard will raise specific issues in each breed.

Try to search and read books that specialize in the breed you are pursuing. And books on specific knowledge such as basic breeding. Try to observe beautiful dogs in real life, or at least through photos. Some breeds have different lines and you need to choose which line you will follow such as dogs with European styles and American styles are also slightly different. Once you have selected the type you want to breed, keep it in mind and you can start…

Breed dogs, don’t forget to take good care

After planning to breed dogs. Don’t forget to take good care of your dog. Feeding, grooming beauty shower. Pay attention to health issues, parasites, breeding, pregnancy and puppy care. There is nothing more painful than losing a whole pack of puppies and kittens you dream of all year long just because of neglect and no care.

Healthy breed dogs will produce healthy cubs. According to the dog breeding experience, do not forget to choose a good and reliable veterinarian for your camp too. But hashs now seem a bit much, so be careful when choosing.

No dog is perfect

It is as if you have read and understood the standards and experience of dog breeding. And prepared very well for the puppies and kittens. Completely ready and confident to evaluate them. But be careful, breeders often tend to consider their dogs to be number one, the most perfect. Stay awake and don’t fall into this ‘trap’ so you can find problems that need improvement. Experts call this kennel blindness syndrome.

Every dog has good points and bugs according to its breed standards. And your job is to figure them down and write them down to remind yourself what you need to keep and remove from your breeding program.

How to choose a bitch

Notice if your children have a good body? Is the thickness of the chest, the length of the back, the angles standard? How are the gums, how is the pigmentation on the skin? How is the feathers? Is the coat style correct, what is the length, color and coat layers?

How are the head, ears and nose base? What is the balance of body length and height? From head to torso, tail and ear length? Are the feet in the right shape and the toes close together?

If your bitch has passed the above points, you can already breed it. If your children have ever had children, look at the cubs she gave birth to, what mistakes, what good points did she pass on to her cubs? Write down the characteristics that you like, don’t like.

If your children don’t have children yet, keep an eye out for cubs of herds. That can help you get ideas of what needs improvement for your children. But remember, your children are not sure there will be cubs like them in the same flock as her. According to the experience of dog breeding from experts, having the same genealogy does not mean that they will create the same cubs.

The final decision stage

Once you have decided to breed your dog. Complete health tests and prepare well before breeding to make sure your offspring are at their best. And ready to produce healthy cubs. Because female dogs are healthy, the rate of healthy and beautiful children is higher. And also minimize the risks during pregnancy.

Above are the shares about basic dog breeding experience, hope to help you in taking care of your dog.

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